Gold Stars for All Type “A” Personalities

piboidmo2013-participant-214x131So it’s only day two of PiBoIdMo but already I’m LOVING it!  I am double challenging myself to come up with one story idea, character, or line a day and one potential title idea a day.  There is something about being “allowed” to just make ideas and not be concerned with whether they are any good.  My type “A” personality sometimes gets in my way creatively because I can get into a head space where if it’s not perfect, I don’t want to put anything down.

But projects like this are great for reminding me: Get over yourself, Ren!  I need to remember that being creative has lots of bumps in the road and lots of “yuck” and “this sucks” stages and that’s okay.  It is part of the creative process to try.  I need to get past my pride and raging insecurities and just get ideas down on paper.  There is no test.  There is no gold star for it being pretty.

Truth be told though, I am giving myself a star on the calendar for everyday I come up with an idea.  I am a teacher after all and come by that bit of geekiness honestly:)  I actually would have made myself some version of a behaviour chart and bought special stickers to record my progress if I had thought of it earlier.  Hmm, maybe it’s still not too late…

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4 Responses to Gold Stars for All Type “A” Personalities

  1. Stella says:

    I’m always amazed at how dedicated you are to writing even though you have two little munchkins to look after! I know myself that I have absolutely no time and energy left to even think past “what is for dinner?” Keep up the good work though, you are doing great!

    • Hey, I never claimed there was always dinner. And if there is dinner, it is often a cheat dinner. I’ve learned a few quick and dirty dinner plans that I recycle often. Luckily hubby and the kids don’t seem to care!

  2. Elaan says:

    Inspiring as always! Good lessons for us all. Thanks for including us on your journey.

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